Monday, March 9, 2009

Momsy in town

My mom was in town for the past 10 days and to keep her company ...I have been working only sporadically in the office. Have been on leave for quite a bit these past 2 weeks.

Being away from the office that long was very nice indeed and coming back to work today is a big yawn........ However, being coop-up in the same place with my mom, though beloved she maybe…..was more than I could bear.

Don’t get me wrong! I do love her but most times….she really tried my patience to the limits! Sometimes or I should say…most of the times now…we have a role reversal…she’s the daughter and I’m the wise and ever patience mother. Guess I’m the ‘chosen one’ after all. My friends were greatly amused by this….

But then again, this is good re-orientation for me since I’ll be heading back home again soon.

There will be no more going out on a whim and staying out as long as I like. It will all have to be reported: my ins and outs, my activities, where I’m going to and whom I’ll be meeting, how long it will take and what time I’ll be coming back….
URGH!!!!! It’s a little bit disconcerting but no worries….I’ll get used to it again. And if it gets really worse…I can always move out.. Yeah, I wished…………

And so…. despite the shaky starts (couldn’t help but scolded her for picking up the wrong luggage at the airport which inconvenienced everybody tremendously, the clashing outfits and ill-fitting shoes, the endless chatters, same ol’lectures and repeated stories of our various family members (which I have been hearing over and over again till I can throw up!)… was kinda entertaining to have her around (for a limited time).
I did behaved myself, we had an ‘okay’ (I won’t say great) mother/daughter bonding time together and thankfully, there were no major emotional outburst or soapy dramas.

Thank you Lord!

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