Friday, January 23, 2009

Khatam Quran


I’m pleased to announce that I have completed my Quran reading last night. It wasn't easy and I’m ashamed to admit that I still lack the diligence to read the holy book regularly. I need constant reminder and ‘push’ to mengaji each time…and it’s quite a challenge especially to somebody with cetek ugama like me.

Anyway, thanks Bard, for calling me in the middle of my shopping frenzy session last nights and reminded me it was malam Jumaat! It was pay-day after all (haha!) but I managed to go back home by 10pm and started reading till I reached the last Surah.

Alhamdulillah…never thought I could do it on my own but that I DID.

A special thanks also to my cousin Abg Man for the tips that he'd given me sometime back….
kalau takde masa or rasa malas…baca 1 page only,
if that is also too difficult just read one line only,
if that is also too much effort….just hold the Quran and flip through the pages,

at least touch it once a day.

Usually the flipping of pages will give me guilty conscience (for not reading at all). From there what started as ‘a line only’ continued to ‘a page only’ and subsequently to more pages……….Alhamdulillah….

I am more motivated now to start all over again….


cikhash-All4One said...

Alhamdulillah..TAHNIAH for Khatam Quran for this year. Has tumpang gumbira..sob..sob..menangis gumbira

Ms Wannabe said...

Takpe nangis...nangis gumbira, jangan nangis sedih ahh :)-