Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sorry for the long silence...

Where has Ms Wannabee disappeared to??????
I know, I know…everybody has been asking that question…so sorry…I just did not have the time nor the inclination to write. The first excuse was no laptop/computer/Internet access at home but that is no longer the case….

Then next excuse and most major was the lack of inspiration….I lost interest…must be due to hectic schedules, and also that ‘not in the mood’ feeling…re-adjusting life back home is harder than expected…physically and emotionally.
Of course it is much easier here, I have the luxuries of living in a bigger space, no bills to pay, don’t have to take public transportation, there’s always home-cooked food and yet…there is this feeling of disquiet…it is just not the same.....

I missed my freedom, my singleton freedom....
I am not married and yet…the commitments, filial duties…..it may not make sense…but those who knows me and my way of life here will probably understand what I am going through…..I just return from HK again a couple of weeks ago and I realized that my life is vastly different ….I loved my single life away from home …but here….I just don’t feel like a single girl.
Oh anyway…I’m not going to dwell too much into this. Thanks to the support and understanding of my close friends…they help me to stay sane and cheerful.
The ‘pep-talk’ always helps and I just have to pull my chin up, move on and make the best of this situation….And...if push comes to shove...if things are really bad...I'll just take a few days off and fly off again. Yes...that's going to be my way of distressing myself.

Thank you my dearest friends...

You’ll hear more of me soon again….Au revior!

PS: Ms Wannabee also wishes to welcome another new reader to her small and modest fan club…Welcome Mel!!!

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