Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bring a friend day at Bootcamp

There is a general excitement in the air whenever they have this "Bring a friend" day at Bootcamp. This time Stefanie is keen to participate but waking up at 5.00am is the moot point. I am trying to get other people in the office to join in too but again, that early morning session is the biggest hurdles.

I supposed everybody close to me are quite sick of me going on and on about bootcamp. But I can't help it! In the absence of other interesting events in my present life...this is the most interesting thing I've ever embarked on. I am surprised with myself for staying on this long....you know..I've never committed to a long-term exercise regime before and guess what...i'm in my 3rd month in the 'camp' now! And guess what again....I've been elevated to the Seals team! In the ranks of the bootcampers, you start as Rangers, then Seals and finally, the fit of the fittest...the DELTA teams.

And how the trainers assessed which team you are going to be is based on your monthly assessments. Even though I'm still among the lasts....at least I'm a little bit fitter (and dare I say stronger?) compared to 3 months ago.

I'm very thrill to be made a SEAL but at the same time am dreading the extra effort required. At least when you are in the Rangers...you are still considered the baby and the most unfit. At least the pressure is not so much on you....

here goes...let's see who will turn up this FRiday.....

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